Friday, August 19, 2005

Who the f*** is your Auntie

On the internet so many girls write about their infertility it seems to be an integrated part of being infertile! I even think it's the only fun thing of IF! I have a *theme*, so I can write a blog :-) IFBlogging comes with a whole new language and a long list of abbreviations. The medical terms like IUI, IVF, HCG, LMP, SET, FET but also the words that are often used and it's too much hassle to type all the letters like PG, TTC, HPT, OPK, RE, DPO. Not so good for SEO not to use the whole word...

Then there are abbs that are so stupid. Like AF and DH.

But I am not so in the mood to write why I think these words are so stupid. Because I have my period. I am bleeding. My new cycle has started.

IVF starts here
. No more trying for the normal and easy way. No, we're going the hard horrible expensive annoying and humiliating way that makes you feel bad and sick and grumpy.

Did you know how much it costs to fly a 600 kg horse 20,000 kilometers over the panet? I did that last year... Now I need a 10 cm trip for my 0.1 mm egg. A detour for my damaged fallopian tube. I'm happy to tell that it's for only half the price!


At 2:20 AM, Blogger Mony said...

Lady, that sucks big time.
I can tell you are in no mood for cyber hugs or warm fuzzies (not my style anyway) BUT! I hear ya. I know that exact same gut stomping disappoinment you feel when the bleeding starts. Especially after 2 days late. You dared to hope didn't you? It's so hard to stop the tears & the anger & the feeling that you are NEVER going to get your baby. While all around you everyone else does...easily too it seems. It's all very unfair & it's not easy being graceful under fire. You long for a day that doesn't include moping, sadness & despair. I'm sorry. Really sorry.
Do you really think it's time to drag out the big guns of "IVF"? I hope that over the next weeks you will be able to get excited about your IVF. It took me ages to feel anything but fear & trepidation regarding our treatment but since my tubes have been removed I have embraced the thought of finally getting my egg & Pete's (or should that be DH???) sperm at least to meet. It's the closest they've ever been & you know what? It might just work.
When you are feeling a bit better I look forward to reading your post about all the abbreviations used in IF land. All these years later I still don't understand them all! I have often wished everyone would just speak ENGLISH & not a special fraternity style code. I feel left out! Enjoy a big sleep, my friend For a new battle begins tomorrow. Onward.

At 1:25 PM, Blogger lucky #2 said...

What is F****g scary to me is that I now know what all those damn abbreviations stand for. I never intended to learn a new language when I started IF treatments (oops...there I GO!)

Oh, and baby dust (now I must go puke)....


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