Wednesday, October 25, 2006


L&C are four and a half months now and yesterday they ate their first solids: rice and breast milk. YUMM! They really loved it!

For me it felt a bit sad on one hand: losing that dependence, that exclusiveness, the feeling they don't need me so much anymore. On the other hand it's a step towards a little more freedom for all of us.

I guess R loves it too. Finally he can feed the babies too. This morning when I was still asleep he gave Charlie another 'bowl of rice pudding' (one teaspoon) made with left over milk. When I came in both my men were beaming with happiness.


At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your beautiful babies. You are very blessed!

I found your blog while searching for other women who have experienced ectopic pregnancies.

I conceived my son after 18 months and 2 rounds of clomid. When he was 8 months old, I conceived on my own but it was ectopic. It was a horrible experience. After two failed injections of methotrexate, my right tube ruptured and I had emergency surgery. It was life threatening at this point.

I am currently ttc again but have had 3 failed clomid rounds. I am anxious to have another HSG to find out how my one remaining tube is. I am scared to death to have another ectopic.

Thank you for sharing your journey on your blog.

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your babies are just beautiful! Congradulations!
Also, its so wonderful that you're breastfeeding them!
My baby is now 10 mths old and still nursing; I suspect it'll be quite a while longer before he's weaned :D

At 11:14 PM, Blogger OvaGirl said...

I am enjoying nursing my little boy and altho he is 4 months now I think I'll hold off on solids for a while yet. Your babies are so gorgeous, what enormous eyes that have!

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Heleen! I'm very proud of my unassisted homebirth! It was awesome!

You know, if I had problems conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term, I'm sure I would have done whatever medical things I would have to have done to have my kids! I wouldn't exclude you from being 'natural' because of this... I have a sister that hasn't been able to have any children yet and she's 38 yrs old. So, I understand that side of things too.

For some reason, people think that because they have twins, they can't breastfeed. I love that you're doing it! And even if you don't breastfeed past a year, you've still given them the best for a whole year! I'd say the majority of babies don't get that; even for a month!

Don't be surprised if your little ones won't want to wean though... LOL

(I posted this reply to my blog as well)


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